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Ford Fusion 2010 photo




Ford Focus 2000 photo




Ford Windstar 1995 photo




Ford Focus 2012 photo




Ford Explorer sport trac 2002 photo




Ford Explorer sport 2002 photo




Ford Explorer 2002 photo




Toyota Camry 2007 photo




Toyota Camry hybrid 2007 photo




Hyundai Sonata 2011 photo




What peolpe are saying about cars

The latest reviews from real car owners about their cars.

Initial quality and overall performance of car is excellent. Ride and appeal much better than expected. Truly a fun car to drive and very functional.

Ernest Christiansen Fiat 500x 2018

got this fiat 500x on Feb 24 2016 it seams to be a good little SUV . so far NO problems. have about 2500 miles on it now.it rides good , easy to get in and out since it doesn't sit low . I liked the style of it have been asked several times about it when getting gas and things.I was used to a subura crosstrak but after a wreck couldnt afford another subura . this is almost the same .I traded the car in Aug2016 got other crosstrak as I do miss the fiat . I didn't have problems with the car , the value wasn't there . yes I would say get one but yet again its up the person. I like suburas . Sorry Fiat . dealership is closer and where I go theres subura dealerships in MT .

Boyd Kertzmann Fiat 500x 2017

We’ve owned the model x for over 2 years . I was reading the reviews, and some people that gave 1 or 2 stars are just haters . there is no car like it or even close to it . From the technology to phone app, this car is just smart and easy to use . You find out more and more as you use it . If you hate iPhone and like Motorola then this car is not for you . Get an F150 and stop hating .

Kory Herman Tesla Model x 2016

Amazing truck. Mine came with group 1 I think it's called, plus 33 gal tank, ram box, it's loaded. Interior is stunning. I love everything about this truck except the payment, but such is life.

Clifton Kuphal Ram 1500 2021

RAM 2500 has a lot of power. I opted for the Big Horn trim and added additional features like trailer guidance package and heated seats. The 12 inch UCONNECT screen makes the driving experience like riding in a futuristic vehicle. There are a lot of options to choose from. I recommend you decide if you want a truck that has greater towing capacity, payload or is outfitted like a premium SUV. The RAM 2500 can meet any of those desires. I opted for towing capacity, so I bought the Big Horn with the Cummins in-line 6 Diesel engine. Look forward to seeing what this truck can do in the Spring camping season!Update my RAM 2500 did not disappoint. No issues towing my 32 foot travel trailer through mountain passes. Great truck highly recommend.

Ron Ruecker Ram 2500 2020

Just bought 2014 hemi ram crew cab nice straight pipe after the cat converter 33x12.5 x22 toyo tires black mayhem rims 106000 miles gorgeous pristine vehicle no complaints strong and responsive. I'm 64 drove crap all my life so I got this for me. Never knew you could buy a truck like that. 6 years old and it's still like new big tough strong and safe. Like driving a big comphy tank. Very impressed. Turns out my retirement truck is a 2014 hemi ram

Orin Upton Ram 1500 2014

Great Truck, ride, comfort, handling and lots of power with the Hemi

Dangelo Gutmann Ram 1500 2013

Although its hard to go go wrong with any full size truck these days except for maybe the Nissan Titan, the initial impression of my new Ram seems to be just a little bit better all around. Even if you have been a "hater" in the past, which many of us are, and for good reason, i strongly urge you to at least test drive one and give it a fair chance. You wont be disappointed. I found it to be the best performing, arguably the best looking, best optioned and with current rebates it was the cheapest. It is my belief that Ram Dodge Fiat (whatever) is trying to make a statement with this truck and in my opinion has done so! although i gave reliability a 5, only time will tell. GIVE RAM A CHANCE!

Edward Klein Ram 1500 2014

I have owned CRX's, Miatas, Mini Coopers, and other comparable cars. They've all been great, but there's just something about the Smart! Let's face it, it's not a car for everyone - but if you do most of your driving by yourself (or with one other person), it's a complete joy to own! I chuckle when people ask me, "So, can you take it on the freeway?" To set the record straight, YES you can - and not only does it drive like any other car, it's a LOT more fun!

Alf Hills Smart Fortwo 2009

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