Fecha de publicación: 31/03/2021
SLOT CAR DREAMS / New Book / Philippe de Lespinay
Introducing the new book
Philippe de Lespinay has just published his new book. Slot Car Dreams makes an exhaustive review of the 20th Century slot history. At 320 pages and more than 800 illustrations and photos this book is a true bible with a clear focus on the American slot movement of the 60s and 70s. Lespinay relies for the images in the Los Angeles Slot Car Museum collection, LASCM. The book, prefaced by Dan Gurney, Jim Hall and Don Williams, includes access to the world's first interactive site, with more than 90 links that practically double the content of what is published on paper.
In the video, Philippe de Lespinay himself introduce the book that is currently available through Electric Dreams.
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