Fecha de publicación: 21/09/2022
The great SLOT Racing Festival is back / ACSlot
XXV Spanish SlotCar Championship
After three years without being able to hold this great event, the largest SlotCar Championship ever held, the Spanish SlotCar Racing Championship, organized for 25 years by the Catalan Slot Association, returns this November.
The first weekend of November, in Igualada,(Barcelona) the 1:32 and 1:24 scale slot competitions will fill the facilities that the organization, in collaboration with Cric-Crac and Scaleauto, will set up for the Speedraces, Endurance, RallySlot, and RaidSlot categories.
The categories rules are not yet known, but in a few days the ACSlot will begin to make known all the information related to this 25th Spanish Championship anniversary.
More information at ACSLOT.
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